regione piemonte ministero del lavoro, della salute e delle politiche socialiunione europea
Politecnico di Torino COREP

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How will be the selection procedure?

A: A SEEDS Selection Committee will first evaluate applicants’ curricula. Attention will be paid to the presence of university examinations relevant to the kind of knowledge which is required to follow the SEEDS courses. This does not necessarily implies space subjects (which will be provided during the Master itself): rather, fundamental scientific and technical disciplines should be represented with good marks. A sufficient knowledge of the English language must also be documented.

The applicants whose curricula have been admitted will then pass an oral interview mainly aimed to assess their motivation to join SEEDS and their attitude to work in an international environment.

Finally a grade will be communicated and the best ranged 15 applicants will be enrolled in the SEEDS Master Course in Torino.

Q: Which working opportunities are offered by SEEDS?

A: SEEDS dedicates the largest part of its time to intensive Work Projects performed in different space Companies and Centres located in the three main Space Poles of Europe. Both this very special SEEDS structure and its programme allow students to enter in strict contacts with the most important European key players in Space. So doing, the students are offered an important opportunity to introduce themselves and to show their own capabilities. Furthermore, SEEDS educates and trains its students according to the most recent strategies of ESA and NASA on Space Exploration, so that the SEEDS graduates will be perfectly phased with the activities planned for the next future. In other words, the SEEDS graduates will be “one step forward” with respect to other graduates. The fact that important Space Companies and Centres are supporting SEEDS is a clear indication that this new kind of graduates is needed: it is therefore expected that they will be preferred in the employment selections. Another peculiar advantage of the SEEDS graduates is represented by the true European and international training, which takes place in three different countries and prepares them to the cross-national way of life characterizing the space activities.

Q: Are scholarships in sufficient number foreseen?

A: A certain number of scholarships will be surely available. It is planned that the best applicants (according to the selection classification) will all receive a grant. Depending on the overall financial amount provided by the SEEDS sponsors, this grant will partially or totally cover the tuition fees and additional scholarships will be possibly accorded to the other students up to the 15th placement.

Consider also that, due to the relatively short time from now to the start of SEEDS, it is likely that some scholarships will be available some weeks after the begin of the courses