regione piemonte ministero del lavoro, della salute e delle politiche socialiunione europea
Politecnico di Torino COREP


The course working language will be English. 

The 2011/2012 training programme will have an overall duration of 12 months for a total amount of 1684 hours and 67 credits.

The course attendance is mandatory and implies full time engagement from Monday to Friday (9.00-13.00;14.00-18.00).

The first 4 months (about 634 hours) will be mainly spent at Politecnico di Torino with the last two weeks at ISAE-Supaero. These will mainly consist of class lectures and exercises providing the general foundations of the various disciplines related to Space Exploration. A parallel French class is organized at ISAE Supaero through the local TAS-Astro programme (see the SEEDS European website for details). Visits to National or European facilities as well as conferences and lectures of distinguished personalities are foreseen throughout this phase. The planned average class attendance is almost 36 hours/week.

The main taught subjects may be divided in two categories:

Learning assessments on all subjects are foreseen at the end of every lecture phase, possibly grouped to homogeneous clusters to be evaluated as a whole.

In the following 8 months (about 1050 hours) the students approach the future Project Work Activities. Then they extensively develop the SEEDS Project Work under the guide of experienced senior tutors. Thanks to its extension this Project Work is one of the main characteristic features of SEEDS. It is divided into two phases, each one dedicated to a special aspect of the space exploration. A specific theme is identified every year (past topics have been, e.g., the preliminary design of a lunar outpost or a mission to an asteroid). Each Project Work phase is dedicated to a specific aspect of the selected theme, taking also into account the locally available competences. The two phases are hosted in a temporal sequence by universities, industries and centres of the associated European towns. During the whole Project Work students from Torino and Toulouse (TAS-Astro) are grouped together and work in cross-national teams. The Project Work itself is an advanced and ambitious activity, intended to lead to scientific reports to be diffused worldwide in the space community. On more than one occasion partial results have been presented by the students to international conferences. The activities performed during the 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Project Works are described in the SEEDS PW Executive Summaries 2005, 2006, 2007,  2008 and 2009 respectively (see the
European SEEDS website for details).